Friday, February 10, 2006


Feeling Very Olympic Today

Hello from Torino with update No. 2. The locals in Torino and thousands of guests have made the city wake up to the Olympics today! We crossed with the torch relay twice, fortunately on foot (traffic jams and my car issues are bad enough without police barricades for the flame).

The Barilla SMT went very well and we are looking forward to CNBC, CBS Early Show and other national hits next week. Meanwhile, all of Canada's dignitaries visited the cabin today and it was a huge media day there -- almost every Canada media outlet in Torino was in attendance to watch the minister and Canadian Ambassador to Italy play street hockey.

So, are you ready for this? We are going to the opening ceremonies in one hour! Traffic is already bad, so we may walk three miles. I can hardly believe it, and will call from the stadium to report in. But I can't tell you which client is carrying the torch! Ciao -- have a wonderful Olympic Weekend!

Nicholas in Torino
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