Monday, April 24, 2006


Is the media picking on Cynthia McKinney?

I'm starting to look forward to the daily coverage of Cynthia McKinney. Not only is she good for a few chuckles, she provides great fodder for my media training sessions.

The latest debacle involves her interview with Renee Starzyk at the local CBS affiliate. When asked about her recent "incident" on Capital Hill, Cynthia got her panties in a wad and walked off, realizing too late that her mic was still live. CBS caught her complaining about the interview and even calling her press secretary a "fool." She implied CBS wasn't playing fair in the interview.

Then she had the nerve and stupidity to tell CBS they couldn't use the comments because they were "off the record." Gimme a break. The Congresswoman doesn' seem to get it that she doesn't get to dictate how the media cover a story, but she can control her own behavior (well, actually, apparently she can't; hence, the stories). Predictably, this story has grown legs, thanks in part to CNN's re-airing of the CBS tape. She must feel like she's running through hell wearing gas boxers.

Tonight on the 11:00 news, Cynthia suggested the media pick on her and her constituents don't care about this little tifts with reporters - they only care about how well Cynthia represents them. Sadly, she's probably right about her latter point. But as for journalists picking on her - oh puhleeze!! Has she not read the ridiculous headlines in the AJC like "Cynthia McKinney Not Afraid to Speak the Truth" (how's that for objectivity?). And has she already forgotten the tons of coverage she received for her views on the war in Iraq? Obviously, Cynthia wants to be able to pick and choose her media coverage. Thank God it doesn't work like that.
I had the pleasure of being able to vote against Cynthia for many years but my district has just been changed. What a shame....

I belive this is the only way she knows how to generate publicity. She has nothing to say so she drums up trouble to get coverage. Not a smart tactic but a tactic nonetheless.
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