Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Oh Katie, say it isn't so

So, am I the only one feeling a bit depressed today. Sort of like my best friend is moving to a new elementary school? I mean don't get me wrong, I am happy to see a woman take over as anchor and managing editor of a nightly newscast, but I will miss "waking up" with Katie every morning. For 15 years (yes, I was even a news geek in high school) we've laughed together, cried together and suffered through bad haircuts and questionable fashion trends together. She told me that Brad and Jen had broken up, that there STILL wasn't a decision in the Bush/Gore election and that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. It will take years for Meredith, or Campbell or Natalie and I to develop the kind of bond that Ms. Couric and I have.

Now, I know that not everyone shares my love for the perky one. She seems to have a knack for stirring up deep feelings of either love or hate. So, I would be interested to hear how the news affected (or didn't) the rest of you. Will Today survive, will you switch to CBS at 6 p.m., do you wish eveyone would stop talking about this? Tell me.
I think it's kind of hard not to like Katie Couric. There are times when she gets on my nerves with her perkiness, but overall I like her. If only there were a way to combine Dianne Sawyer and Matt Lauer!

I'm pleased for Katie and wish her well, but disappointed that NBC did't reward Ann Curry with the seat next to Matt. Ann comes across as more credible and intelligent than Meredith. I agree with Shannon that it's hard to think of Meridith as a serious journalist given her recent spot as a professional gossip-monger.

Oh well... we'll always have Al Roker! :-)
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