Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Never miss an episode

When my roommate and I moved into our apartment, we debated costs and decided that getting a DVR was not one of our necessities and that there were other things we'd rather have (high speed internet being the main one). The downside is that if I forget to tape a show, I'm out of luck-maybe I'll catch it it reruns this summer, but usually I just never see it. Two weeks ago, I forgot to tape Alias. Although it's gone downhill recently, it's the last few episodes of the series and I try to catch them so I'm not wondering what happened to Sydney and Vaughn.

Fortunately, with ABC's streaming all new episodes online, my disappointment didn't last long. I've heard a lot about their video streaming, only because they are the first major network to distribute full episodes of their shows for FREE. So last night, I watched my first internet-streamed full TV show. It worked great! Although small, the quality was good and the video ran fine (I was worried b/c my lap top is what some might call old and can be a bit slow). The commericials didn't annoy me either-there were only a handful and they were 30 seconds each. Overall, I was able to watch an hour-long program in about 40 minutes. So next time you forget to set the DVR (or VCR, in my case) to record Lost, Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy, I recommend watching the episode online from the ABC web site-it worked for me.

Now, when will NBC start streaming episodes of The Office? I missed that one last week too.
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