Friday, July 14, 2006


The Ten Commandments of Good Customer Service

Growing up in a work culture that fosters growth and professional development, I find myself wanting to provide advice to everyone I encounter regarding how they could improve their staff, systems, etc. (Perhaps, it's also because I'm a bit of a control freak.) However, others aren't always so open to this free advice or "gifts" as another colleagues calls her constructive criticism.

Case in point: A client hired a web development firm that is the absolute best case in poor customer service. This poor service has resulted in the firm being fired, and since I don't think they'd appreciate some geniunely helpful advice from me on what they should have done to keep the business, I'll share a few thoughts with you (that we all probably consider common sense):

Do you have other advice that you'd add to The Ten Commandments of Good Customer Service?

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